When you’re looking for a great way to simplify your business, excellent and clear labelling is key. Here, we examine how adhesive-backed label holders can be a brilliant solution for your business.
Where you can use label holders
Many places of business can benefit from using label holders. You may require them in order to clearly identify staff pigeonholes to ensure that everyone gets the correct internal and external mail. They can also be used to identify different files and folders in office environments, as well as different areas altogether. They are also great for organising reference material in libraries, schools and colleges. You could even utilise them in more industrial or construction based areas. However you use label holders, and wherever you are based, upgrading your usual ones to adhesive-backed label holders is a fantastic choice.
Improve visibility
In a business or education environment, clarity can be the difference between success and failure, between time wasted and a productive workday. Using adhesive-backed label holders can increase visual clarity for everyone in your organisation. These label holders are instantly and highly visible to new and old staff members, meaning that the eye is drawn to them. With this being the case, it is that much easier for staff to locate the information they need in order to complete their tasks or notify the correct person.
A long term solution
There are plenty of options out there for holding your labels – and if you move your areas around a lot, or you need to switch things out often, then you may not worry so much about the longevity of the materials you use. However, if your environment is more static, then you need a more long term solution. Self-adhesive label holders work well with stable environments, as they will remain affixed to the surface you put them on for a long time. This ensures that fewer staff members will be confused by suddenly missing information – as can happen with other label holders that may fall down or slip into a position that makes them less highly visible.
A range of options
Are you concerned that you will not be able to get your hands on the perfect label holder for you? Beaverswood has got you covered. With a range of standard sizes available, you can get yours in everything from 15 x 80mm (in a pack of 100) to 30 x 1000mm (in a pack of 10), 50 x 80mm (in a pack of 100), and even more in between. If you don’t see the size you need on the website, then you will be pleased to know that custom sizes can be supplied to ensure that your business has everything it needs to run smoothly and efficiently.
Keep the costs down
We know how expensive it can be to run a business. Especially lately, times have been tight for many places, including schools and offices, and you may be looking for ways that you can save a little money. Fortunately, while you may consider the initial outgoing a higher expense, self-adhesive label holders are invaluable and can actually help you to keep your costs down. How?
By being sturdy and long-lasting enough that you will not need to replace either the holder or the label within it until you really need to. With less sturdy and less convenient label holders, you may find yourself spending more on replacements than you really need, not to mention the time lost. Self-adhesive label holders are really the best way forward for saving money and effort.
As you can see, there are so many excellent reasons to choose self-adhesive label holders. Whether you work in an office environment, a school, construction, or any other kind of job, these label holders can make it easier for you to go about your day with ease. Browse the selection on Beaverswood and see whether we have the ideal label holder for you – or get in touch for a customised size that will be created just for you. You can create a clearer, easier to navigate workplace – all with the help of self-adhesive label holders.